Inclusive Judo competition within the frame of Judo4All project in Macedonia

Inclusive Judo competition within the frame of Judo4All project in Macedonia

On May 17, 2023, an inclusive judo competition for people with disabilities was held in Struga, Macedonia at the club level as part of the Judo4all project. 9 judokas took part in the competition, namely:

Jasmina Blažeska
Igor Shaynovski
Adnan Kurtishi
Nazim Kurtishi
Nermina Tyroska
Anisa Skenderi
Ranko Dunoski
Jovan Naumoski
Daniel Shikoski

All judokas had several fights from which the most successful were selected, and they are: Jasmina Blažeska, Jovan Naumoski and Igor Shajnoski.
All the judokas were very motivated to fight, wanting to show their knowledge that they acquired during their inclusive trainings at Judo Club DRIM Struga organized within the Judo4All project.
On June 24, 2023, the most successful from the domestic championship will perform at the STRUGA OPEN international competition, where they will have the opportunity to fight against inclusive judokas from Romania and Serbia.

Judo is Much More Than a Martial Art, it’s a Way of Life That Can Bring Many Benefits

Judo is Much More Than a Martial Art, it’s a Way of Life That Can Bring Many Benefits

Judo is a martial art and Olympic sport that was developed in Japan in the late 19th century. It is a form of self-defense that emphasizes throws, joint locks, and chokes to overcome an opponent. Judo has become increasingly popular worldwide, and for good reason – there are many benefits to practicing this martial art. In this blog post, we will explore some of the many benefits that judo has to offer.

Physical Fitness

One of the most obvious benefits of judo is that it provides an excellent workout. Judo involves a lot of physical activity, including throwing, grappling, and pinning an opponent. This makes it an excellent form of exercise that can help you build strength, stamina, and endurance.

Self-Defense Skills

Judo is a martial art that focuses on self-defense. Through practicing judo, you can learn how to defend yourself in a variety of situations. This can help you feel more confident and secure in your daily life.

Mental Discipline

Judo requires a lot of mental discipline. It teaches practitioners to stay focused and calm under pressure, which can be beneficial in all areas of life. Judo also emphasizes the importance of respect for one’s opponents and for the rules of the sport. This can help develop a strong sense of character and ethics.

Improved Balance and Coordination

Judo requires a lot of balance and coordination. Practicing judo can help improve your balance and coordination, which can be beneficial in many areas of life. Improved balance and coordination can help reduce the risk of falls and injuries, and can also improve performance in other sports and activities.

Increased Confidence

Another benefit of practicing judo is increased self-confidence. Through consistent training and practice, you’ll learn new techniques, improve your skills, and become more comfortable with physical contact. This can help boost your self-esteem and give you the confidence to tackle challenges both on and off the mat.

Better Focus and Concentration

Judo requires a great deal of focus and concentration. During training, you’ll need to pay close attention to your opponent’s movements, anticipate their actions, and react quickly. This can help improve your ability to concentrate and stay focused, which can be useful in all areas of your life.

Improved Stress Management

Judo can also be a great way to manage stress. Physical activity has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety, and the discipline and focus required for judo can help you stay calm and centered during stressful situations. Additionally, the sense of community and support that comes from practicing judo with others can also be a great source of stress relief.

Increased Discipline and Self-Control

Judo requires discipline and self-control. You’ll need to follow rules and regulations, show respect for your opponents and instructors, and maintain focus throughout your training. Practicing these skills on the mat can help you develop greater discipline and self-control in other areas of your life as well.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills

Judo is a strategic sport that requires quick thinking and problem-solving skills. During training, you’ll need to analyze your opponent’s movements and come up with effective strategies to counter them. These problem-solving skills can be useful in other areas too.

Judo is much more than just a martial art. It is a way of life that can bring a wide range of benefits to those who practice it. Whether you are looking to improve your physical fitness, develop self-defense skills, increase your self-confidence, or build stronger relationships with others, Judo can help you to achieve your goals. So why not give it a try and see for yourself?

The Judo Winter Camp Video with event highlights is here!

The Judo Winter Camp Video with event highlights is here!

Our video from the International Winter Judo Camp in Serbia is ere. We present you the best moments, highlights and work achievements tat we made during this 6 day event in Kragujevac. More tan 40 participants from which 9 people with intellectual disabilities gained additional knowledge about inclusive judo and advanced their judo practice and techniques, as well coaches from Macedonia, Serbia and Romania developed judo inclusive process and adapted general judo techniques into inclusive judo techniques. Check out the video below!

International and Inclusive Winter Judo Camp in Serbia

International and Inclusive Winter Judo Camp in Serbia

From 9-14 February 2023 the Winter Judo Camp was held in Serbia, Kragujevac, Ravni Gaj,  hosted by the partners from Makikomi judo club where participants from all project partners countries attended, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia. The partners from Judo club Drim Struga, Poraka Nova, Makikomi and Asociatia Judeteana de Judo Mehedinti, joined with their teams (14 participants per partners, from which 3 were people with intellectual disabilities).

Counting +40 participants the winter camp was divided in 2 parts, regular judo training sessions and workshops for inclusive judo. The training judo sessions were delivered by experiences judo coaches from Macedonia, Serbia and Romania:

  1. Gjorgjija Stojanov JK Drim Struga
  2. Slavisha Pejcic JK Makikomi Beograd
  3. Predrag Jojic JK Makikomi Beograd
  4. Filip Zivojinovic JK Makikomi Beograd
  5. Dragana Vukmirovic JK Makikomi Beograd
  6. Gicu Vasilan JK Mahidinti Drobeta Turnu Severin
  7. Lena Sterea JK Mahidinti Drobeta Turnu Severin
  8. Marjana Goloubovic- reeducator psychomotor skills

The Judo trainings from the day one were intensive. Two per day. Sometimes it was very difficult, but every participant did their best to exercise and be part of the team. That did not exclude the PwID. They also attended two times per day, even though it was mentioned to them that is enough ones per day. They were excited to be part of the team. They were happy that everyone was accepting them as a whole and wanted to cherish that moments. They didn’t want to miss a thing. They were present at the Judo trainings. And they were present at the workshops. Contributing equally. And that was the point of the whole event. Without pressure anyone to feel like they could do anything. And they did.  

The experience behind the trainings is best described from one of the participants statement, Daniel Sihkoski , who shared his impressions: If I had to single out something that left the most impression on me at the judo camp, it is undoubtedly the coach Predrag Jojić, who, if I ask myself, should be given the title of best coach above coaches right away. Why? Because he did not see us persons with disabilities as special, but as equal participants of the camp who can learn and do everything, even more than everyone else can. He worked with us without any stereotypes and condemnation, but with understanding and desire to help you. He understood when you told him that you didn’t know or didn’t know something, but even then he didn’t let me give up, but helped you learn together with him.

In between the judo training, we manage quickly to motivate all young people, little ones, teenagers and youths with intellectual disabilities to take part in the inclusive workshops.
They were scared because it was their first time being in inclusive workshops for most of them and thought it would be school-like. We were scared because of the number of participants and the different target groups, but we all combined our fears and created unforgettable memories.
On the last day, the goodbyes were accompanied by the chants, quotes, part of conclusions, music and rhythms that were part of the workshops on the very first day, and then you know the impact was deeper than was planned.

6 rich days are left behind us filled to the fullest with activities, interactive discussions, playing games, singing songs, working in groups, and creative program. The session plans were customized according to the target groups and needs of the participants so that everyone was motivated to take active participation in the whole inclusive process.
Taking control over the group of teenagers sometimes was challenging but the pace was reached when the point of the certain activity was achieved, making them thinks and share a life-experience story.

To be honest, with the little ones was easier because all I have to do was to create a game. Of course, the games were interactive and inclusive which made them think and discuss a certain topic. Sometimes you would think it would be harder, but the little sages very fast could get to the point and understand the whole situation, with their pure perspective, naivety, and straight forward point without by passing, says Martina Durljanova, lead trainer in the inclusive workshops o Judo Camp in Serbia.

On the last day, in the inclusion workshops all participants, typical and non typical with the help of the trainer Lena Sterea, created adaptive Judo techniques. To the participants it was presented the outcome of the project, the Toolkit and its purposes. They were more than happy that they could create something on their own and that would be accepted and even put in the book, and later to brag about to the other clubs, to promote Judo inclusion. In the workshop every group created 10 techniques. And when they return home they will continue with the process, because we need 100 in today (30+ from each club). But now we should be worried, because they know and they want to be part of the creation.

In the end inclusion in sports is not only teaching people with disabilities how to do sports but is working with them equally, supporting them and making them feel like part of the group, part of the whole process. We as a consortium partners are glad that the participants understood that without any prejudices and it was a pleasure hearing that they are looking forward to more people with various disabilities being included in their judo training program.

We can’t wait for another inclusive workshops in the judo tournament in June in Struga with new challenged and ideas.

Preparations for the Winter Judo Camp in Serbia

Preparations for the Winter Judo Camp in Serbia

Few weeks ago we started with the preparations, planning, organizing all necessary logistics for our upcoming Winter Judo Camp in Serbia, who will gather international judokas from the region as well judokas who are engaged in the Inclusive Judo program within our Judo 4 all project and judokas with intellectual disabilities.

The International Winter Judo Camp will be hosted by the partner Makikomi Judo Club from Serbia, and it will be held in Kragujevac, Ravni Gaj from 9-14 February 2023.

All Judo 4 All project partners (Judo Club Drim Struga, Poraka Nova, Makikomi and Mehedinti County Judo Association) will participate with their trainers, judokas, judokas with intellectual disabilities and as well international audience and judo clubs from other countries. The Judo Clubs will be involved into training program for the Judokas, and Poraka Nova will be involved in delivering workshops and sessions on Inclusion, Inclusion in Sport and Judo, Erasmus+ program, etc.